
  Let’s Work Together

    Earn a commission with 

If you are a studio principal, dance professional or a studio manager/owner, and require a quality professional teacher training system

We would like you to consider creating a partnership with us.

                                                                                 It’s easy.                                          

By simply registering your interest we will send you a free 3 months trial of the programme, this will give you an opportunity to experience this excellent training system.

During the trial period, if you introduce any students to either our website or app, and through you, they sign up to the programme.

                                                 We will offer you the following benefits:

  • Continued use of your free trial.
  • A monthly commission paid directly into your bank account for every student that subscribes to studydance through your recommendation.
  • Our personal online support to you.
  • Inclusion in our app and website online worldwide teachers directory.
  • Our recommendation to potential new students as a user of the studydance programme.
  • Your choice as to whether you offer full support to your students, or if you prefer this can be supplied through studydance.

To find out more, please contact us through our contact button so we can discuss your own personal requirements.

                              You have nothing to lose, and possibly a lot to gain


                                                        Technology is transforming the future.



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    Details of Dance Qualifications (required):