IDTA Pre-Associate Ballroom

Why Take a Pre-Associate Examination?

A Pre-Associate examination is the first step to becoming a qualified dance teacher.

Although directly it does not give you a dance teaching qualification it is important as a foundation for the Associate teaching qualification.

The skills and information acquired during study will improve your understanding of the fundamental  principles of Ballroom dancing and develop your ability to learn from a technique book.

Your dance ability improve through understanding of the basic figures and correct technique for both the man and lady’s steps.


Examination Syllabus

IDTA Pre-Associate Ballroom Syllabus

The emphasis of this examination is placed on an understanding of the fundamental principles of Ballroom dancing. Teaching ability is not assessed in the Pre-Associate examination.

DEMONSTRATION Candidates will be required to demonstrate, with a partner to music, the four Ballroom dances; Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Tango to a standard appropriate to the level of examination being taken. The majority of the figures used should be selected from those included in the PreAssociate and Associate syllabus.

SOLO DEMONSTRATION TO MUSIC Candidates will be asked to demonstrate, solo to music whilst giving the timing two of the following figures at the choice of the Examiner: Waltz- Natural Turn Quickstep- Quarter Turn to Right Foxtrot- Feather Step Tango- Closed Promenade. For this section of the examination the candidate may choose to demonstrate as man or lady.

THEORY Candidates must be able to give a definition of the following terms: Time Signature, Tempo, Rhythm, Poise, Positions of Feet, Footwork, Direction, Alignment, Amount of Turn, Rise and Fall, CBM, CBMP, Sway.

COMPULSORY QUESTIONS Candidates will be required to give all the chart headings for the two figures selected by the Examiner in the Solo Demonstration to music. The gender will remain the same.

SYLLABUS FIGURES Candidates must be able to present the following figures, taken from the Pre-Associate syllabus, as man and lady, whilst giving the correct timing.

WALTZ 1. LF Closed Change (Reverse to Natural) 2. RF Closed Change (Natural to Reverse) 3. Natural Turn 4. Reverse Turn 5. Whisk 6. Chasse from Promenade Position 7. Natural Spin Turn 8. Underturned Natural Spin Turn

QUICKSTEP 1. Quarter Turn to Right 2. Natural Spin Turn 3 Underturned Natural Spin Turn at a corner 4. Natural Turn with Hesitation 5. Progressive Chasse 6. Forward Lock Step 7. Backward Lock Step 8. Reverse Turn

FOXTROT 1. Feather Step 2. Reverse Turn 3. Three Step 4. Natural Turn 5. Closed Impetus Turn 6. Feather Finish

TANGO 1. Progressive Side Step 2. Progressive Link 3. Closed Promenade 4. Basic Reverse Turn 5. Open Reverse Turn Lady Outside 6. Natural Rock Turn

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