Sur Place (PD)

Sur Place (PD)


Sur Place

Sur Place is a connecting action. It can be used to link figures, change alignment, bring the dance onto its musical phrase1 or just to add a natural break between figures.

Using Sur Place as a natural break helps build up kinetic2 energy if the next figure commences with an Appel.

Explanation of Sur Place:

  • Sur Place is danced in place, it consists of a transfer of weight from one foot to the other. If the feet leave the floor, the lift should only be very slight.
  • There is a variety of footwork available (refer to charts for details).
  • When used to turn to a different alignment, the maximum amount of turn over 4 steps is a 1/4.
  • When used to turn, the person on the outside will dance small side steps.
  • Sur Place can turn to left or right.
  • The foot placement should show strong pressure into the floor.
  • Throughout the figure the body should remain well poised and show strength.
  • Sur Place is usually danced by both the man and the lady, however in certain figures like Huit, Sixteen and Separation, it is danced by the man only.

Explanation of Sur Place ended in PP:

  • On the final step (the man’s left foot) it is possible to turn to PP. The man’s left arm will then make an inward circular action to finish at a waist level, the wrist will turn out so that at the completion of the figure palms are facing diagonally to the floor.
  • The following figure must commence from PP.

Common Faults:

  • Many dancers lift their feet too far from the floor, this gives the appearance of marking time on the spot.
  • Both members of the partnership travel on this figure. The movement should be danced in place, if turn is to be made, the person on the outside will use very small steps to the side, while the other remains on the spot.
  • Sometimes dancers use bounce, there should be no bounce action on this figure.

1 Phrase All music is written using phrasing. A phrase is similar to a written sentence with a beginning, middle and end. In a piece of music there are many “sentences”. In Paso Doble this is important because of the two musical highlights.

2 Kinetic – This is a build-up of inner energy. In this dance it is used to fully prepare for a figure commencing with an Appel.

Questions and Answers

Can Sur Place turn?
Why would you turn this figure?
Should the feet lift fully from the floor?
Is the finishing position always Close Hold?
What is the footwork?
Apart from turning, what other reason is there to dance Sur Place?
Is there a bounce action used while dancing Sur Place?
While dancing Sur Place it is possible to build up kinetic energy, what does this mean?
Are there figures where only the man dances the Sur Place?


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