IDTA Freestyle Dance – Preparing for an Examination

IDTA Freestyle Dance – Preparing for an Examination

Examiners will always try to assist and encourage you so that you have every opportunity to answer questions correctly.

If English is not your first language, examiners will make every effort to ask the question in a way that you understand.

Following our simple rules will ensure that you have a positive and enjoyable examination.

  • Although it seems very obvious, wearing a comfortable pair of dancing shoes is important.
  • Wear a suitable outfit ideal for dancing, this will establish that you are a confident dancer who understands that as a prospective teacher presentation is important.
  • Have a positive attitude with good clear voice projection, this will prove that as a professional dance teacher you have the qualities to give clear instructions and you are able to control a dance class.
  • In general, when answering a technical question, it is recommended that you give the technical detail before demonstrating the step.
  • Ensure that you have a good overall knowledge of the subject. There is no substitute for knowledge.
  • Always be sure you fully understand the question before answering. If you are unsure, always ask your examiner to repeat the question.

Examiners are very willing to either repeat or ask the question in a different way.

  • Have your answers well planned, will help you to present all the information.
  • You are taking an examination in a teaching, performance and artistic subject, where your personality is important. Be yourself.
  • When answering questions take your time, this will benefit you and your examiner.
  • Following your examination, some examiners may ask you if you have any questions. Please do not directly ask for, or try to gain an idea of your result.

The best way to approach your examination is with knowledge, there is no substitute for knowledge.


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