Basic Movement (R)

Basic Movement (R)


Basic Movement


The information on this page, and throughout the whole dance represents the authentic technique for the Rumba.

The Basic Movement is a very important figure in its own right, it also plays a positive part in constructing a routine.

It includes many of the different Rumba walk actions, this adds to the overall appearance and styling of the figure.

It consists of 6 steps and makes a gradual turn to the left.

Explanation of steps 1-3 for the man:

Step 1: Checked Forward Walk, this allows the man to change direction with little or no turn.

Step 2: Weight transfer in place, therefore there will be no foot movement, only a body action.

Step 3: Backward Walk Turning, the turn should be made near the end of a walk, so that both man and lady complete the walk at the same time, using the same musical hip action.

Explanation of steps 1-3 for the lady:

Step 1: Backward Walk.

Step 2: Weight transfer in place, therefore there will be no foot movement, only a body action.

Step 3: Forward Walk Turning, the turn should be made near the end of a walk, so that both man and lady complete the walk at the same time, using the same musical hip action.

Explanation of steps 4-6 for the man:

Step 4: Backward Walk.

Step 5: Weight transfer in place, therefore there will be no foot movement, only a body action.

Step 6: Forward Walk Turning, the turn should be made near the end of a walk, so that both man and lady complete the walk at the same time, using the same musical hip action.

Explanation of steps 4-6 for the lady:

Step 4: Checked Forward Walk, this allows the lady to change direction with little or no turn.

Step 5: Weight transfer in place, therefore there will be no foot movement, only a body action.

Step 6: Backward Walk Turning, the turn should be made near the end of a walk, so that both man and lady complete the walk at the same time, using the same musical hip action.

Explanation of Shaping:

The figure commences in Close Hold. Because the action on step 1 for the man is a Checked Forward Walk and therefore the man’s weight progression is checked, he will slightly extend both his arms forward (breathe1), so that the lady is able to complete her Backward Walk. Over steps 2 & 3 the arms will return to normal Close Hold.

This action occurs again on step 4 when the lady will extend both her arms forward (breathe) for the same reason. Over steps 5 & 6 the arms will return to normal Close Hold.

Basic Movement turned to finish in Open Counter Promenade Position:

Apart from commencing and finishing in Close Hold, the Basic Movement can finish in Open Counter Promenade Position if on step 6 the man releases hold with his right hand and makes no turn, while the lady turns 1/4 to left, to finish in Open Counter Promenade Position with Left to Right Hand Hold. The follows will be any figure which commences in Open Counter Promenade Position.

Different uses and amounts of turn can be used when dancing Basic Movement:

When arranging a Rumba routine, the Basic Movement is one of the most important figures; it can be used in many different ways, it is not always necessary to dance all 6 steps.

When commencing from Open Position with Left to Right Hand Hold:

The Basic Movement can commence from Open Position with Left to Right Hand Hold, the first 3 steps can be danced to precede Backward Walks if on step 3 the man steps backwards and the lady forwards.

Other follows having danced 1-3 of Basic Movement from Open Position with Left to Right Hand Hold:

  • Underarm Turn to Right
  • Natural Top

When the man dances steps 1-3 of Basic Movement as Underarm Turn to Left:

  • When dancing the Underarm Turn to Left, the man dances steps 1-3 of the Basic Movement. The first step is taken outside his partner on her left side, on steps 2 & 3 he can either turn 1/8 to left to finish in Open Position or turn 1/4 to left to finish in Open Promenade Position with Right to Left Hand Hold.
  • Depending on the amount of turn and required follow, there are many different hand holds available.

When steps 1-3 are used as a precede to Natural Top:

  • Dancing steps 1-3 of Basic Movement to precede Natural Top: the man dances steps 1-3 of the Basic Movement turning slightly to right, step 3 will be taken to the side and slightly back, leading the lady to step forward between his feet.
  • When commenced from Open Position with Left to Right Hand Hold to Natural Top: the man will dance steps 1-3 of the Basic Movement turning slightly to right, step 3 will be taken to the side and slightly back, leading the lady to step forward between his feet. Close Hold will not be fully achieved until step 1 of the Natural Top.

When the man dances steps 1-3 of Underarm Turn to Left as a suitable precede to Natural Top:

  • If the Underarm Turn to Left was a precede to the Natural Top, step 1 of the Basic Movement for the man is taken outside his partner on her left side, he makes a slight turn to right over steps 2 & 3 and his foot position on step 3 will be to the side and slightly back, leading the lady to step between his feet.

When the man only dances steps 4-6 of Basic Movement:

  • It is also possible for the man to dance only steps 4-6 of the Basic Movement for example steps 4-6 of Open Hip Twist or Close Hip Twist. The standard amount of turn will be 1/8 to left.
  • It is possible for the man to turn an additional 1/4 to left (3/8 in total) to finish in Open Position with Left to Right Hand Hold. His foot position will be: on step 6 – to the side.

When the man dances steps 4-6 of Basic Movement as Underarm Turn to Right:

  • When dancing the Underarm Turn to Right, the man dances steps 4-6 of the Basic Movement without a turn.

Examination Tip:

  • A good understanding of the Basic Movement is important, as it is normally one of the first questions asked.

Your demonstration should represent the best of the Rumba technique and style.

Teaching Advice:

  • When first teaching the Basic Movement, especially at a beginner level, it is advisable not to turn the movement but concentrate on training the timing. When this has been mastered, add the addition of the turn.
  • To assist in beginners mastering the timing, it is recommended that you use the timing Quick – Quick – Slow – Quick – Quick – Slow. When the rhythm has become familiar, move on to 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1. At a higher level use 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 &.

Common Faults:

  • Having taken step 3 on beat 4, both feet should remain in place with knees straight and locked back, while the hip action is transferred over beats timed & 1 &. The foot should not slip2.
  • The weight should be felt between both feet when dancing a Checked Forward Walk, too much weight transferred to the front foot changes the character of this movement.
  • On the Forward and Backward Walks Turning: although some turn is made throughout the step, the majority of the turn should be made near the end of the walk.


It is at this early stage that the use of the ankles and feet can be developed to give a strong footwork style.

1 Breathe – The natural calmness of breathing out while using an extension of the arm or arms.

2 SlipTo allow the foot to move sideways.

Questions and Answers

What is the footwork throughout the Basic Movement for both man and lady?
What is the shaping?
What is the amount of turn for the man?
What is the action used by the man on steps 3 and 6?
What are suitable precedes?
What are suitable follows?
What would be the follows if only the first 3 steps of the Basic Movement were danced?
How would you count the Basic Movement?
Having danced the step timed 4, should there be any further foot movement on beats & 1 &?
What is a common fault when dancing a Checked Forward Walk?

   Quiz Checklist

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