Natural Basic Movement (S)

Natural Basic Movement (S)


Natural Basic Movement

The information on this page, and throughout the whole dance represents the authentic technique for the Samba.

A popular movement used to connect one figure to another. It is not always necessary to use the full 6 steps.

It is accepted that in Samba we describe any travel as a STEP and not as a WALK as in Rumba and Cha Cha Cha. This is because Samba is a progressive dance and does not have a hip action.

The Natural Basic Movement is one of two basic figures in Samba:

Natural Basic Movement – Reverse Basic Movement

Natural Basic Movement:

The Natural Basic Movement is a good figure to use to practise the differences between the foot and the body timings.

When dancing a figure timed 1 a 2, you will use the beat values 3/4.  1/4.  1. for the feet, while the body will use a 1/2.  1/2.  1/2.  1/2. timings:

  • Foot actions are timed:   3/4.  1/4.  1.
  • Body actions are timed:   1/2.  1/2.  1/2.  1/2.

This differences will give the appearance of a syncopated foot action and a slow regular body action.

Explanation of the 1/4 beat step:

Whenever a 1/4 beat timing is used the step uses only part weight. This occurs in steps 2 and 5 as both the man and the lady on all of the basic figures, plus any figure throughout the whole dance which uses a 1/4 beat timing.

Because of the timing and the use of part weight a quick transfer of weight is used. Part weight step is counted as “a”, for example the timing of the Natural Basic Movement is 1 a 2.

Natural Basic Movement – Precedes and Follows:

The Natural Basic Movement can turn to the right, therefore it is a useful figure to use as a connection from one figure to another. It can also have many different precedes and follows.

It is not always necessary to dance the full 6 steps. Precedes and follows can take place following  steps 1-3 or just using steps 4-6, for example:

  • 1-6 of Natural Basic Movement – as an example you can then follow with a Whisk to Right.
  • 1-3 of Natural Basic Movement – as an example you can then follow with a reverse figure.

Examination Tips:

  • In Samba there are many figures where the technique is the same for both the man and the lady, the only differences will be that the lady uses the opposite foot to the man, and in the majority of figures, she travels in the opposite direction.
  • Having this information available may prove to be helpful.
  • Preparation is important, it may be a good idea to construct lists to assist your study:

Figures where the lady dances the normal opposite to the man:

  • Natural Basic Movement
  • Reverse Basic Movement
  • Whisks to Right and Left
  • All Promenade Walks (in these figures she travels in the same direction as the man)
  • Samba Side Chasse
  • Travelling Botafogo
  • Promenade Botafogo
    • Many figures commence facing Wall – listing all the figures that commence on this alignment should assist your studies of suitable precedes and follows:

Figures which commence facing Wall:

  • Natural Basic Movement
  • Reverse Basic Movement
  • Whisks to Right and Left
  • Volta Spot Turn to Right and Left
  • Samba Side Chasse
  • Stationary Samba Walks
  • Promenade Botafogo
  • It may also be helpful to list the figures which start with either right or left foot for the man. Combining this information with the starting alignment may assist in understanding suitable precedes and follows.

Volta Spot Turns:

  • Whenever a Whisk to the Right or Left is used as a precede or follow, a Volta Spot Turn to Left or Right can be used instead.

The rule for 1/4 beat steps:

Every step that uses a 1/4 beat will always be described in the action used as having part weight.

Common Faults:

  • Often the beat value of this step is danced used the timing 1/2.  1/2.  1. This is incorrect, the correct timing is 3/4.  1/4.  1.
  • Step 1 must be given its full 3/4 beat value, this means that step 2 should remain in place and not move or lift from the floor until it is required to dance its 1/4 beat step.
  • Often too much bounce is shown, resulting in the dancer’s feet leaving the floor. Throughout the dance, the feet should remain in contact with the floor.
  • Please note there is no pelvic or hip action in this figure.
  • Throughout this movement, the man’s shoulders and arms should remain poised and still and not react to the body bounce action.

Teaching Method:

It can be very difficult for beginners to learn to change their weight on a 1/4 beat step. To introduce them to the Samba music, a simpler way to replace the weight change could be – Step, Tap1 (Slow – Slow). Once they have mastered this action, the change to full timing will be easier.

1 Tap – To touch the foot lightly on the floor without weight.

Questions and Answers

Can this figure turn?
What is the footwork for the man and the the lady?
What is the timing?
What is the beat values of this step?
What would be a suitable precede?
What would be the follows?
What are the foot positions for the man?
What is the action used by the lady?
What is the shaping?
What is the footwork as the man?
Danced in its basic alignment and only dancing steps 1-3, what would be suitable follows?

Quiz Checklist

When you have completed the study of this figure in conjunction with the Laird Technique of Latin Dancing please continue with the lesson quiz.

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I have studied the lesson and questions and answers - 100%
I have studied the figure in the Laird technique book - 100%
I understand the technique of the figure - 90%
I can dance the figure as man and lady - 100%
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