Pre-Associate/Student – Basic Movement – Technical – Rumba

Pre-Associate/Student – Basic Movement – Technical – Rumba


Pre-Associate/Student: Rumba - Basic Movement

Following your demonstration with a partner and your solo demonstration, you will be asked to give explanations of all of the chart headings.

The next section of the examination is to be able to give all of the technical details in the chart for a figure in each dance, in Rumba the figure selected is BASIC MOVEMENT.

You must be able to give the full information regarding:

  • Foot Positions
  • Footwork
  • Action Used
  • Body Turn

As the step numbers form part of your answer, it is naturally included.

The examiner will only request one of the technical details plus either a step number. 

The training programme explains all the information required, it teaches you how to present your answers so you do not miss any details, after rehearsal, you will be able to answer the questions with confidence.

We suggest that you first give the information about the step before dancing it. Please ensure that the dancing is of the highest quality (see the video for reference). For your examination you will only have to answer one chart heading at a time, for example, if you are asked to explain the foot positions as the man, you will say:

On 1. Left foot forward, toe turned out (then dance the step)  On 2. Right foot in place (then dance the step)On 3. Left foot to the side and slightly back (then dance the step)  On 4. Right foot back (then dance the step)  On 5. Left foot in place (then dance the step)  On 6. Right foot to the side and slightly forward (then dance the step).

You will also have to be able to dance and answer the questions as both the man and the lady.

We strongly advise that for this examination and all future examinations you follow this way of presenting your work, the system applies to all of the dances at every level of examination.

To gain the greatest benefit from the course, and, develop your own dancing, we highly recommend that you do not just learn the answers, but enjoy dancing the steps using the correct technique. In this way, you will feel good about your own personal standard and progress.


  • The beat values of the Basic Movement are   1.  1.  2.  1.  1.  2.
  • The timing in this dance is   2.  3.  4.  1.  2.  3.  4.  1.
  • No turn on step 1.   1/8 turn to left over steps 2-3.   No turn on step 4.   1/8 turn to left over steps 5-6.

Below we list all of the questions and answers that you will require for your success. The questions are presented as though they have been asked by an examiner, the answers are shown using the recommended method of answering.

  • Once you fully understand the Questions and Answers section, move on to the multichoice quiz. You will need to achieve 85% success to be able to continue onto the next section. There is no limit to how many times you can enter the quiz.

Now move to the Questions and Answers section to continue your progress.


Questions and Answers

What are the foot positions for the man?
What are the foot positions for the lady?
What is the footwork for the man?
What is the footwork for the lady?
What is the action used for the man?
What is the action used for the lady?
What is the amount of turn for the lady?
What are the amounts of turn for the man?
What is the timing?
What are the beat values?
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