The History & Origins of Freestyle Dance (AF)

The History & Origins of Freestyle Dance (AF)

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The History & Origins of Freestyle Dance

When we talk about history, we often think of events that took place a long time ago, so it is quite interesting to realise that Disco, as Freestyle was originally called, originated nearly 40 years ago with the film Saturday Night Fever.

The transition of Disco to Freestyle was the most marked development in the history of this dance genre and clips of dancing from over the years can be found on the internet which highlight the different stages.

This item is a compulsory question for all levels of Freestyle examinations, so it is very important to learn the key points and dates.

It is important to understand the history of any subject that is being studied in order to appreciate how progress has brought us to the present day and how further development might take the dance form forwards.


  • 50’s – ‘Teddy Boy’ era
  • 60’s & 70’s – ‘Beat’ dancing and named dance crazes were popular

The Start:

  • 1978 – Saturday Night Fever was released
  • John Travolta had some solo spots which were copied and brought a new dance form to the UK. See the YouTube link:
  • The public wanted to perform the steps from the film and flocked into the dance schools to learn the dances.

The Next Stage:

  • When the ‘Night Fever’ dances became less popular, teachers choreographed new dances using the latest chart music.
  • Teachers’ workshops were organised.
  • Medal Tests started in 1981.
  • Dance Associations started Disco/Freestyle competitions.
  • Dance promoters started Open Freestyle competitions.
  • The Association of Dance and Freestyle Professionals was formed.
  • The British Dance Council and ADFP formulated competition rules.

The Development:

  • The dancing became more progressive.
  • Runs, Kicks and Spins were introduced.

The formation of Freestyle competitions & events:

  • Le Classique Awards
  • British Freestyle Championships
  • Dancer of the Year
  • Euro Dance Championships
  • Disco Kid
  • The World Freestyle Championships

Examination Tips:

  • Learn the bullet points of the text of the Freestyle books and give thought to some relevant ideas that could produce an interesting discussion with the examiner.
  • Research the subject of Freestyle Dance, so that you are able to discuss the development of this dance genre with confidence and an enthusiastic approach.

Questions and Answers

What type of dance was popular prior to 1978?
What was the public reaction to the film?
How did dance teachers benefit from Saturday Night Fever?
What happened when the enthusiasm for the film reduced?
Where did Disco/Freestyle competitions start?
How did competitions develop from the original event?
How did dance associations benefit from Freestyle Dance?
How did Freestyle Dance develop from its original line dance format?
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